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Private site of Soviet awards collector (and legal publications)




This page has been in preparation since March 2002 and was posted on Victory Day 9 May 2002. 



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Name: Tom Lennon data: 2005-02-06 06:35:46 email:
Hi Oldrich,
Thank for your help answering my questions, however I have another to ask! Could you please tell me for what reasons the following orders were given to an individual? I.e. What that had done to have the orders presented to them?

The Peter The Great Order
Nickolay II Order
Nevsky Order
Faithfullness to Debt Order
Ekaterine II Order
Suvorov Order
Zghukov Order

I apolagise if the spellings are incorrect, I obtained the names from a website. Many thanks for your help, it is greatly appreciated.

Thank again, Tom.
Hi Tom,

each had a regulation stipulating such details, I am sorry but do not have the time to even enter for my own website, let alone to research ofr you, but its in books and websites, mostly though in Russian. The best Engglish language boom would be Mcdaniels!
Name: Stig data: 2005-02-05 19:46:11 email:
Hello Oldrich!

you have a very nice site here, need I say that I`m a little jealous : ) on your fine item, do you sell anything, in that case I`m interested. Best Regards
Hi Stig,

thanks for the compliment, I rarely sell, I prefer to exchange to enrich my collection, see my awards for exchange papge where I list medals and orders I need and those that I have in duplicate.
Name: Tom Lennon data: 2005-02-05 18:04:27 email:
do you have the links to any online guides/instructions as to wear on soviet uniforms the medals are worn? If you perhaps have a book with the instructions could you scane a diagram perhaps for me? many thanks, your help is greatly appreciated, tom lennon.
Hi Tom,

not online with me but on the links page there is the site of Drabik ( Otherwise every Soviet award has a resolution of the USSR Supreme Soviet which instructs how and where to wear a particular award. I have a book but its in Russian. On the forum there was also a person trying to sell a uniform. Hope this helps,
Name: Manel data: 2005-02-02 17:38:25 email:
Hi Oldrich,
Do You recibe the email with the scans of the medal?

Best regards,
No, sorry, I received no scan from you,
Name: Manel data: 2005-01-31 18:34:18 email:
Hi, I have a WWII Soviet medal for the Defeat of Germany, i think that it's a 4 variation (the suspension is in aliminium). I want to exange it for another Soviet medal of WWII.

Best Regards,
Hi manel, please send me a scan to please!
Name: Lily Marty data: 2005-01-30 13:51:10 email:
Hi . My name is Arther Qochoyan. I would like to sell Medal of a Hero of the Soviet Union Gold Star and Order of Lenin, with there booklets and passports.
The medals depends to Sergai Sarkhoshev ( spy of soviet army) Hero of the Soviet Union. He got this medals at 1944. I would like to fine out if you are interested or not. If yes I will send the photos of the medals, booklets and the passports to fine out there prices.
Hello Arther, yes I am interested, please contact me!
Name: Jon data: 2005-01-23 07:41:26 email:

For how much would you be willing to sell the following medal: Defence of Sevastopol v.2

Thanks in advance for your reply.
Kind regards,

Ho Jon,
thanks for visiting! The Sevastopol v.2 is still avalaible but I would prefer to swap for another medal if you do not mind rather tan sell. Do you have anything I may meed (see my medals for exchange), Oldrich
Name: Peter-Paul data: 2005-01-18 07:50:39 email:

For how much would you be willing to sell the following order:
For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR Var. 1 no. 98253 ?

Thanks in advance for your reply.
Kind regards,
Hi Peter Paul, I prefer to exchange, do you anything to offer. Prices on the internet for this piece are otherwise in the range of 200-300 USD. Oldrich
Name: JD Howard data: 2005-01-06 17:18:50 email:
Hello: I am a fellow collector and I am inquiring about a possible exchange. My interests included a Soviet Order of Friendship of Nations and/or Order of Oct. Rev. Type 1.

To exchange I would offer the following, specifics of the awards exchanged to be worked out if you are interested.
1. Three (3) Orders of Glory 3rd class, with Docs, one of which has an additional award (Val. Labor), all circa '45.
2.Two (2) Orders of Maternal Glory,3rd Class, Var. 1, one w/ serial number in the 19,000 range and one 230,000 range.

Please let me know if you are interested.

JD Howard
Hi JD, I wrote to you on your private email, yes in principle could be interested but send scans,
Name: mind data: 2005-01-03 17:02:14 email:
Zdravstviute Oldrih, pozdravliaiu vas s novym godom, pust' etot god prineset vam mnogo tepla, zdorov'ia, radosti, uspehov, i novyh medalei :).
Esli pomnite, kogda vy v poslednii raz u nas byli, ia rasskazyval o shodstve odnogo nashego izvestnogo politika s kinoshnym geroem. K sajaleniu togda ia ne smog naiti etot fil'm v prodaje. No uje bolee polu goda on u menia est' i jdet vas. Poetomu priezjaite k nam v gosti...
Andrei B. Cisinau
Privet Andrei,
rad ot tebja snova slyshat! S udovolstvem posmotrju na film kogda budu sledujuschij raz v Kishineve!
Name: Rob data: 2005-01-03 09:14:15 email:
Great site! Do you know of or have any reputable contacts in Kiev? I just arrived & have become interested in collecting -but- as we all know, fakes abound. Any additional information on Soviet medal collecting (the name and source for a really recent catalog would help), woulb most appreciated. Spacibo!
Dear Rob,

congratulations on your new posting and I wish you every success in collecting.
The book you should get is AVERS 6, recently published, that is a must but its in Russian mind you. Then there is Paul Mac Daniels, but its rather outdated.Scans and photos are generally not the best when looking for authenticity!
The best is still going to the web, I have many good links on my site, but the very best is seeing them and having them in hand, comparing with real ones, talking to people, it takes years. You also need precise weights, good magnification and knowing what to look for, but thre is no one single source I am afraid. I have no one in Kiev and it is awash with fakes and overpriced items for beginners, that much I know. Prices are different for every piece depending on year of issue, variation etc.. In every case go only to reputable dealers who will give you a money-back guarantee.
Good luck and thanks for visiting the site.
Name: oldrich data: 2004-12-28 06:01:48 email:
test of guest book
appears to work, will it send email?
Name: Tom Lennon data: 2004-12-19 13:52:19 email:
Hello, i have a set of 12 Soviet Medal Ribbons from a Tank Officer's uniform. I have identified 9 (I think!) with the help of your website. Would I be able to email you a photo of the medals for help with identification? Thanks! Tom Lennon, Liverpool, England.
Sure Tom,
Ijust post them on the forum!
Name: alex marich data: 2004-12-17 00:39:14 email:
Hello, I would be very interested in purchasing some of your medals but I don't have any items that i can exchange. Could you make an exception? The ones i was looking at are order or Nevsky on suspension and 20 Years RKK.
Regards Alex
Dear Alex,

I do not have a nevsky on suspension or the 20 years RKKA, please see my awards for exchange page for what I have in duplicate, but really I rarely sell and prefer to exchange.
Name: Nelson J. Garcoa data: 2004-12-15 20:24:20 email:
I have a Order of Service to the Motherland - don't know what degree - serial #49521 that I wish to sell. Also three Chinese/Soviet Friendship medals (each has a different hanger and only the one with a Chinese hanger has Chinese symbols on the back. I have a small silk screen embroidery of Stalin (about 2 1/2" by 4") It has the name spelled "Staline". Let me know if you are interested. I have other medals but nothing fancy because I got rid of my collection about 5 years ago. Thank you and Merry Christmas! (305) 380-6227 Nelson J. Garcia
Dear Garcia,

the number would indicate that its a 3rd degree type two i think but to be sure I would have to see a scan of the reverse. The Staline silk is not of interest for me but perhaps the friendshipe medals, but I would also need the scans too. can you send? Merry Xmas to you too,
Name: William Amor data: 2004-12-06 09:54:48 email:
In your medals for exchange you list a hero of labour star would you be interested in slling this?? if so what would be your price??? Thanks Martin.
P.S. Very interesting site, excellent.
Dear William,

only if you have something for exchange for this one, for example a 20 years RKKA or Nevski on suspension. I should also add that I have been keeping this one for a friend for a long time, also just for exchange,
Name: Dolf data: 2004-12-01 12:24:02 email:

An original Medal for 20 Years of the Red Army Type 1 (from 1938 to 1943, on a rectangular suspension) can cost $745.00 (there is currently one for sale for this price on the website of a well known dealer), not $40 !...
The same Medal, Type 2 (on a 5-sided suspension, after 1943) costs around $320.00...

Replicas or copies, are currently for sale on eBay, but even these can cost more than $40.00...

Happy hunting ;-)

Just to add, the prices are about right, but only if you can find one!
Name: Larry Oliveria data: 2004-12-01 11:45:27 email:
Hi .

I am looking for a repro 1938 20 years service in the Red Army medal (don't have $40 for an original that is likely fake anyway...) .

Got any?

Any leads on where to find such an item and how much to pay?


Larry Oliveria
Name: Dolf data: 2004-11-30 22:38:17 email:

I have an offer for an exchange, can you please email me?

Thank you,

Dolf, what's new?
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Copyright © 2002-2018 Oldrich Andrysek. Contents are copyrighted but may be used with permission (scans can be downloaded if credit is given). Page created by Nick Ionascu.