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Snapshots from Victory day in Chisinau Moldova. For more click on the photo.






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  Fotos from May 2002 Liberation day in Moldova

and videos from 2004 and 2009

See some real - still live veterans

  For other stories see Main News Page , News 1, News 3, News 4 or News 5






See clip of 9 May 2009 commemoration of the end of World War II in Chishinau Moldova

(filmed by Nick Ionascu hosted by uTube).


See below clip of 9 May 2004 commemoration of the end of World War II in Chishinau Moldova

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 Both videos are by Mr. Nik Ionascu.Depending on your download speed/connection you should be able to enjoy both - but it cannot be guaranteed.


Copyright © 2002-2018 Oldrich Andrysek. Contents are copyrighted but may be used with permission (scans can be downloaded if credit is given). Page created by Nick Ionascu.