or this pin depicting the
"Comrad Lenin" armoured train (revolutionary
wars 1918-1921) built in St.Petersburg (Putilovski plant
later Kirov)?

or this (Russian
medal commemorating Napoleon's crossing of the Berezina
in 1812)?

Swiss falerist society (Societe Suisse de phaleristique)
The Swiss medals collectors have been
around for some time and have members in Switzerland,
France and also Belgium. See their new site www.decorations-medailles.ch
for a schedule of their meetings, events,
their latest bulletin etc.. You
can also contact them directly by email: info@decorations-medailles.ch.
Geneva faleristic auctions
The fifth auction was held on 29 November
2004 in Geneva (organised by the prestigious "La
Galerie Numismatique Lausanne"
and saw bidding on several high quality Soviet era awards
(12 of 201 lots). Surprisingly few were sold and although
in good quality and some quite rare. Most were from
a Russian born collector whom I managed to meet and
talk to (about medals of course and life). The Order
of Glory 1st class rose to 3600 CHF (from 3100), Order
of Red Star Type 2v2r3 from 450 to 700 and a Red Star
with rivets sold for 900 CHF (starting 400 CHF). All
were without documents. Among the unsold lots of interest
were an RSFSR Red Banner (2300 CHF) Laureat of the State
prize with document (750 CHF) and a Red Banner no. 2
(400 CHF). Brisk sales and sometimes astronomical bids
were for British and especially Russian awards.
The previous 3rd auction held in Geneva
was on 23 November 2003 and saw the sale of few Soviet
awards (7 of 201 lots). All were in very good condition,
but undocumented. The sold items were:
1) the Gold Hammer and Sickle Hero
of Socialist Labour (type 1 no 8951) for the starting
price of 750 CHF (cca 600 USD),
2) the Order of Mother Heroine for 160 CHF (from starting
price of 150 thus cca 130 USD),
3) the Order of the October Revolution (four rivets
number 41658) for the starting price of 230 CHF (cca
185 USD) and
4) the Order for Homeland Service in the Armed Forces
of the USSR (3rd degree) also for the starting price
of 250 CHF (cca 200 USD).
Not sold were an Order of the October
Revolution (five rivets number 87433), an Order of The
Great Patriotic War 1st Degree number (WWII issue number
40256) and an Order of Labour Glory 2nd Class - all
with a starting price of 230 CHF - cca 185 USD).
All prices were subject to an additional
18% fee and VAT of 7.6% (thus the Hero of Labour for
760 USD).
See the catalogue on http://www.coins-la-galerie-numismatique.com/auctions.php?PHPSESSID=5768de9f96b4f900c8576fb16ec05098
Chisinau collectors
Membership card of Chisinau
collector's club:

and the reverse
Members of the Chisinau collector's
club which meet quite religiously most Sunday mornings
in the '"Dom Oficerov'" on Tighina str. (formelrly in the "house of railroad workers"). The Club's President,
Mr. Victor Alexandrovich Tocmacov, is an honest
antique dealer and proprietor
of the "Antikvar Salon" (ground floor of hotel Cosmos).
Club members and visitors are expected to pay about 1/2 a USD entry fee. Most start assembling
as early as nine am and by lunch time youcan manage to examine
most everything (from orders, medals, coins, badges and pins
to the occasional uniform, piece of porcelain or hand-engraved
tusk of a walrus). If lucky you will also have some salo and cognag or vodka. The club is frequented by few foreigners
and the preferred currency is more and more Euro rather than USD (you can also pay in Moldovan lei). In terms of Awards
most collectors are honest but several dealers come
regularly with fakes waiting for well-to-do foreigners
who are known to be quite capable to buy whatever that resembles Soviet memorabilia for outrageous prices.
The Club is not listed in the "Lonely Planet"
but if in Chisinau - definitely pay it a visit!
A few photos from the club and the Chisinau
market...for more see Interesting