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Private site of Soviet awards collector (and legal publications)





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Snapshots from Victory day in Chisinau Moldova. For more click on the photo.






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 Collector's news (see also Interesting page 1, page 2 and page 3)



Kiev, day of tankists, 9 September 2007... (click on photos to enlarge)


marching music

standing proud!                                         not bad eeh?



and more...

Kiev day of tankists

or this ...





  Kiev collectors meetings (first in a hall, then in park)...

in the hall


in the park


Members of the Kiev collector's club meet quite religiously most Sunday mornings ... usually in a park but once a month they have a reunion ("sljet") in a hall.

Club members and visitors start assembling as early as seven am and by lunch time manage to examine everything from orders, medals, coins, badges and pins to the occasional uniform, piece of porcelain or hand-engraved tusk of a walrus. The club is frequented by a few foreigners and the preferred currency is still USD. In terms of Awards few collectors are honest but several dealers come regularly with fakes waiting for well-to-do foreigners who are known to be quite capable to buy Soviet memorabilia, or fakes, for outrageous prices. The President Victor Yushchenko is also a collector and sometimes comes for a walk about ... handing out a signature here and there ... flanked by his security!

The Club's venues are not listed in the "Lonely Planet" but if in Kiev - definitely try to pay a visit!


A few photos from the club and the Chisinau market... .

Copyright © 2002-2018 Oldrich Andrysek. Contents are copyrighted but may be used with permission (scans can be downloaded if credit is given). Page created by Nick Ionascu.